Another tool to help knowledge workers get to what they need quickly. I've been trying Atlas Recall over the last month.  The general idea is that it sits on your computer (Mac currently, Windows soon) and keeps track of everything you see. And then if you are trying to recall "where did I see X", you can ask Atlas Recall for help. It does exactly that: will show you what you have seen, whether it was on the web or in a chat session or in documents you've been writing / reading. 

Breakthrough Project Management from Ian Heptinstall and Robert Bolton  is a brief guide to getting significantly improved project performance through combining two management approaches: One is Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) and the other is collaborative contracting. For me the material on CCPM is a confirmation of what I have been doing for many years. And the material on Project Alliancing is new, and yet it rings bells for ensuring successful projects of any type.

Advertising is not a topic I normally worry about, but somehow the topic of "Seducing Strangers: How to Get People to Buy What You're Selling" by Josh Weltman goes beyond just about advertising.  I like to think that this topic can be thought of beyond purely advertising into other areas where one might need to get people to "buy."

Ajai Kapoor has a nice piece on LinkedIn Pulse where he says, "Please STOP planning ... Really."  He recounts the familiar challenge of plan / don't plan.  Plan because we want to direct our efforts into the right places to achieve some goal.  But don't plan because plans never survive contact with the enemy.