This website covers knowledge management, personal effectiveness, theory of constraints, amongst other topics. Opinions expressed here are strictly those of the owner, Jack Vinson, and those of the commenters.

KMPro: Panel on Social Networks

The 13 July meeting of KMPro Chicago will be a panel discussion with yours truly as the discussion leader. Participation will be both in person and virtual. Check the web for details.

KMPro Chicago - July 13 Meeting

Social Networking - A Discussion with a Panel of Experts
In this unique session, a panel of Knowledge Management specialists and Social Networking experts will discuss Social Networking and its business applications.

Moderator: Jack Vinson, President of Knowledge Jolt, Inc.
Speakers Include:
Valdis Krebs - Social Network Analysis Expert, Management Consultant and Owner of Konstantin Guericke - Co-Founder and VP of Marketing of LinkedIn
Shannon Clark - President of JigZaw Inc and Founder of MeshForum "Connecting Networks"
Stefan Lafloer - Director of KMPro Chicago and CKO of Insightknowledge, KM Strategies and Project Mgmt.
Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of business and/or social contacts by making connections with other individuals. Social Network Analysis (SNA) is utilized to identify strengths and weaknesses and optimize the structures of such networks.

Some examples are:
-Discovering social network in organizational structures
-Analyzing the social network of the Al-Qaeda for terrorism prevention
-Guaranteeing Business Knowledge Continuity
-Identifying the key knowledge carriers
-Merging social networks after mergers and acquisitions
-Optimizing leadership capabilities by improving their network

The potential of online networking to promote such connections is increasingly recognized and exploited. Based on the six degrees of separation concept (the idea that any two people on the planet could make contact through a chain of no more than five intermediaries), social networking establishes interconnected communities that help people make contacts that they may not have otherwise been able to meet. Web sites dedicated to private and business social networking include Friendster, LinkedIn, Spoke, and others are now also finding their way into corporate environments. IBM and Microsoft are among organizations said to be considering entering this market.

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