This website covers knowledge management, personal effectiveness, theory of constraints, amongst other topics. Opinions expressed here are strictly those of the owner, Jack Vinson, and those of the commenters.

An Attention Management solution to email overload

Craig Roth has posted his view on how the (Enterprise) Attention Management lens can look at the technical side of email to help with the information overload issue.  E-mail Overload: No Cure, but Enterprise Attention Management Can Shed Some Light

Craig Roth view of using EAM for email overloadThe most popular “overload” topic in offices today is e-mail. But after all these years of incremental improvement to IBM Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange, surely there can’t be any low-hanging fruit left to pick to help people manage inbox overload. Or is there?

The Enterprise Attention Management Conceptual Architecture to the rescue!  Rather than relying on a set of personal pet peeves or specific annoyances that have happened in recent memory, a model such as the EAM conceptual architecture provides a systematic approach for analyzing the attentional characteristics of a system.

A number of Craig's suggestions fall in line with what I've thought and commented on before.  He also includes some interesting aspects associated with attention: making it easy to turn off notifications (I think they should be off by default); scheduling email deliveries (instead of "all the time"); more flexible / powerful rules... 

These are all technical solutions that it would be nice to have.  We still have to deal with the human side: Don't abuse the power of sending email.  The inbox is not meant to be a task list.

McAfee describing patterns between 2.0 and 1.0

Is email really so evil