This website covers knowledge management, personal effectiveness, theory of constraints, amongst other topics. Opinions expressed here are strictly those of the owner, Jack Vinson, and those of the commenters.

Infoluenza epidemic

Luke Naismith, who I know from the Act-KM mailing list, has set up a brand new blog, Knowledge Futures.  And his first post is based on something he presented at a conference and posted to the mailing list, Infoluenza:

I define infoluenza as:

  1. The frustrated, overwhelmed and unfulfilled feeling that results from continued efforts to broaden information or knowledge management systems.
  2. An epidemic of confusion, vendor hype, paralysis by analysis, and suspect decision-making caused by dogged pursuit of a Technology Nirvana.
  3. An unsustainable addiction to incorporating more and more information.

... Information is not the problem, but infoluenza - a disease of not being able to understand the limitations of deriving contentment from content alone.

This idea goes beyond strict information overload and suggests a group psychology that prevents us, as a society, from stopping and thinking about what we are doing and why.

Do you and your organization suffer from this malady?  There is a cure.

What's best for the firm?

Worldwide Q&A systems - Do they work?