Evgeny Zislis has a great piece on DevOps Transformation using Theory of Constraints, where he takes us through the 4 Questions for Technology. The short version of the discussion is that it is far too easy for people to apply the tools and outward signs of <pick your poison> without fully taking the change on board. And as a result, the power behind that change is never fully released.

Change management is always an entertaining topic. It usually starts with some version of "they don't want to change" and then variations on how to make it work. Thinking about it a little more, it's not that people always resist, but there is something about the change that doesn't work for them or maybe they don't understand. Maybe it's time to step back and take a look at their perspective.

I've had "Stop Letting Email Control Your Work Day" by Paul A. Argenti flagged for follow-up since it was posted a month ago. The title is pretty obvious: so many people let email control their work day. This doesn't make sense - it is a tool like any other and should be controlled by the wielder, not the other way around.

"Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box" by The Arbinger Institute was a good and challenging read. I found it engaging with connections to ideas from Theory of Constraints that I have been exploring and using in my work. I also finished the book on Yom Kippur - a day of reflections - so I was thinking about my own assumptions around how I operate in the world.

When I don't take control of those requests, I can become slave to every interruption (or request every request that comes through on my calendar).  Poppy Harlow (CNN anchor) had a great piece in yesterday's USA Today on "Finding Happiness in 'No'," where she described her journey in learning how to set limits.